FAQs on Pest Control and Treatments

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Alabama Professional Services Q&A

Alabama Professional Services pest control specialists follow label instructions for the application of treatment solutions and perform services as safely as possible. To prevent unnecessary exposure, it’s recommended that kids and pets are kept away from treated surfaces until they are dry. Your technician can provide further details or discuss any concerns at the time of the service. 

No, termites do not bite humans. However, soldier termites do possess large mandibles that protect the colony and could potentially pinch or bite human skin but this is rare. 

Keeping pests out of your home or business typically requires ongoing management. This is the case with many of the pests common in Alabama, including ants, mosquitoes, termites, and others.  Different kinds of pest infestations require different treatments. Our trained technicians will design an effective treatment program for your specific pest problem, to not only get rid of the pests but to prevent them from returning.

Cellulose, an organic compound, can be found in wood as well as many other materials such as leaves, drywall, paper, cardboard, and cloth. As for concrete, no, they are not quite powerful enough to eat through concrete.Termites only need a tiny crack in the foundation to grant themselves access to what they want: your wood structures.


Most termites range from a creamy white to a light brown or brown color with long narrow bodies, and straight antennae, and are typically between ¼ and ½ inches long. 

Worker termites are pale or creamy white and tend to be a bit smaller than the colony’s king and queen.

Soldier termites can have white or opaque bodies but have darker heads and a distinct large mandible used for defending the colony.

Reproductive or swarming termites are more noticeable as they tend to be darker in color (except for Formosan termites who are a pale to yellow-tinted brown color) and are the only termites to possess a set of wings.